Friday, April 18, 2008


With more than 20 times more dwelling per meter square than the average in metro Sydney it can be claustrophobic. This is one of the reasons for having one of the highest proportion of people living alone in Darlinghurst. With the majority aged between 20 and 34, and a high percentage of people 65 and over. Once again the Architecture is attracting or influencing specific lifestyles.

Congestion doesn't end with the buildings. With major roads running through the heartof the site and a large exhaust stack pumping co2 out from the eastern distributor, it's all a bit hazy as to whether people are slowly choking to death in their homes.

Darlinghurst began as one of Sydney's finest residential address,
now the lanes and back allies emitt an eerie insecurity especially after dark.
The Architecture of the site lends itself to this atmosphere,
with tall narrow lane ways that are lacking sufficient lighting.

feed back

Hello anonymous you can leave your critique here.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Experiment #2 Intro Lecture

Quit an interesting lecture, if i took anything from Prince-Ramus' talk it's how to arrange lego blocks....

It seems the designs are highly driven by site constraints, budget and most importantly the client/end users. A comprehensive analysis of the end users allows grouping of events to be established.

The three are combined and there you have it a blob..

So my thoughts at the moment in contrast to the hospital project are that, explore explore explore site constraints and impacts be it social, physical, ecosystem or whatever.
The info is then gathered combined and packaged in such a way that it is clear and concise.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Experiment #1

ARCH7201 Architecture Pain

I took the two keywords and broke them down individually. I interpreted 'Pain' as a partner of pleasure, such as body piercing, tattoo's or skating you need to go through pain to receive pleasure, sometimes the pain is pleasurable and sometimes just the end result is. 'Architecture' from my personal experience is a profession driven highly by the organisation of spaces and the activities they embody. I was able to link the two keywords and use skateboarding Machinima to push two concepts. The first being activities such as skateboarding have re-defined spaces within our urban fabric, mainly that of built up cities. The Architecture has allowed creative new lines and great context to be incorporated into skate media. It 're-defines spaces', as street skate locations even in reality are not being used as they were intended. A bench is no longer a place to sit but an obstacle to jump onto, over and along, this concept is portrayed in the first half of the edit. Pain is necessary to progress as a skater, trial and error no matter how skilled the rider, pain is almost inevitable. Yet at the same time without the uncertainty of pain there would be no adrenalin and no pleasure.This is how the second concept of 'Painful Architecture' comes into play, as skateboarding in these cities, in and around buildings and streetscapes causes pain, 'Painful Architecture'. As the edit continues a skater is falling in slow-mo, the inevitable is approaching, 'Pain'. At this point he freezes and begins to get flashes of the anguish that awaits him. The painful images stop and (it) he comes back to (virtual) reality.

Friday, April 4, 2008

