Saturday, June 21, 2008


The machinima below represents my concept for circulation.
Inspiration for this concept came from extreme sports, from this I broke the sports down into three keywords appraoch, experience and consequence.
To completely understand the interpretation of these keywords it's necessary to walk through the real time environment which can be downloaded at the bottom this post titled 'published'.
On first approach there is a high level of uncertainty and ambiguity when navigating through the spaces, as there is no prescribed path. Transparent ramps, paths and 'bridge' crossings add doubt, as the mind believes there should be a path creating a link but the eyes can't see it. Only with practice will you gain the experience necessary that will allow you to navigate the spaces without consequence.
As your experience builds so does your imagination, any form that you can jump on and walk over is a path.

(There seems to be a problem with streaming the video from file front, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't so just click the link '

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